Chris & Family
Chris and Cath hosted last Christmas with nine of us and we had the annual quiz organised by the girls.
Fortunately Pam had organised a day out in February with the girls to their favourite Clip&Climb followed by the Tutankhamun exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery which was excellent.
Due to restrictions only one visit to Sandycot was managed during the summer for a combined celebration of birthdays with lunch in the courtyard. Luckily it was a lovely day and everyone was able to play games and go for walks. Pam set the girls a 'Granny Challenge' to find fifteen different types of tree in the garden and collect a leaf from each. The afternoon finished with cricket on the side lawn and inevitably the ball had to be rescued from next door!
Beth, age 14, is in her third year at Oundle. She has moved to a more senior house and settled in well, making new friends. Ottilie is 10 and in her final year at St Christopher's, Hampstead. As with all school children, both of them were home-schooled during the lockdown. We had a family Zoom to celebrate Ottie's birthday in April.
Chris has spent most of the year working from home, with the occasional day in the office when restrictions were lifted. Cath was kept busy with the girls and Fred the cockapoo. They all managed a week's break in Norfolk during the summer half term
This year's Christmas arrangements have yet to be decided but we expect we will all be 'at home' on the day.
Christmas 2019 in Canonbury
Birthday lunch in the courtyard
Ottilie's Zoom birthday cake
Beth's gingerbread house for Christmas
Tutankhamun carved ivory exhibit
Beth scaling the wall