Clubs & Societies

British Computer Society

As with everything, our visits to the BCS talks were cancelled. However they are starting up some online Zoom ones so we will be attending remotely.

Oxford & Cambridge Club

As mentioned our O&C Golden Wedding celebration was cancelled, We might try again as a 50+1 celebration but will wait to see what the New Year brings.

The Club had to close but staged some interesting Zoom tasting sessions. We signed up to two: rum and smoked salmon. A few days before each event a package was delivered with miniature bottles of rum and then samples of smoked salmon. We were given the background of the companies promoting the products and learnt all about Cuban rum and how it is tightly controlled by the government. The smoked salmon was delicious and we are now occasional customers of Forman & Field, the only business in the East End of London to still do their own smoking.

Haddenham Rotary

After a slow start Haddenham Rotary started fortnightly Zoom meetings with the occasional speaker. Pam did the first trial Zoom, giving a presentation on 'Bacteria, Viruses and Pandemics". Many fund raising events went by the wayside including the Waddesdon Horse event that usually raises thousands for local charities.

In February, a group of Rotary wives visited Greatmoor recycling centre and learnt how most of Buckinghamshire's waste is handled - 345,000 tonnes of non-recyclable waste (per annum) converted to 25MW electricity.

Hopefully meetings will pick up again next year and we can all resume our social gatherings, in particular the lunch time ones where the men always go to the Chinese in Thame (boring) but the ladies prefer to try new places in the area.